The TradeWaiters 113: “Our Dreams at Dusk” Vol. 1&2 by Yuhki Kamatani

This week Jam, Jeff, and JD read the first two volumes of Our Dreams at Dusk by Yuhki Kamatani. As Jeff says in the episode, this is a deep dive into queer culture in Japan that celebrates the importance of community and third spaces. Join us as we visit the […]

The TradeWaiters 112: Gutter-Takes: On Distribution

We’re doing something different for this episode. In between our regular panels on great graphic novels lies the gutter (get it?). And in the gutter this week, Diamond Distributors, who once held a monopoly on delivering comic books to readers, just filed for bankruptcy. What does this mean for comics? […]

The TradeWaiters 111: “O Human Star” Vol. 2&3 by Blue Delliquanti

We’re back to read volumes 2 and 3 of O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti. This time we get into the trans text and subtext of the series, how metaphor and text support each other, and break down the main characters to see what makes them tick. We’ve got an […]

The TradeWaiters 110: “O Human Star” Vol.1 by Blue Delliquanti

This episode is on the first volume of O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti. Read the webcomic and then listen to our thoughts on planning a webcomic, the best uses of science fiction, and the unique advantage that a limited colour palette has for comics. Fair warning we spend like […]

The TradeWaiters 109: “As the Crow Flies” by Mel Gillman

For this episode on As the Crow Flies, by Mel Gillman, Jam, Jeff, and JD are joined by Ryan Estrada. We talk about one of Ryan’s favourite banned books. Is this a thoughtful story of alienation, doubt, microaggressions, and faith? Or is it, as one book banner summed it up, […]

The TradeWaiters 108: “Thunderbolts Vol. 1: Justice, Like Lightning” Part 2 by Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, and Sal Buscema

This week we return to Thunderbolts Volume 1: Justice, Like Lightning, by Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, Sal Buscema, Peter David, Mike Deodato Jr., Steve Epting, and others. We look deeper into the main cast of the series, and propose a wish list of changes (thirty years too late). We’ll see […]

Studio Update!

This is an important announcement. As you are probably aware Cloudscape will be leaving our studio at 5955 Ross in December so to that end we are looking to transition over ahead of time. To that end Cloudscape is going to begin meetings at the Roundhouse Community Centre starting in […]

The TradeWaiters 107: “Thunderbolts Vol. 1: Justice, Like Lightning” Part 1 by Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, and Sal Buscema

This is the first part of a two-parter on Thunderbolts Volume 1: Justice, Like Lightning, by such people as Kurt Busiek, Mark Bagley, Sal Buscema, Peter David, Mike Deodato Jr., and Steve Epting. We brave the Marvel Universe in the mid 90s to ask important questions like, what happens when […]

The TradeWaiters 106: “The Jellyfish” by Boum

This week Jam, Jeff, and JD read The Jellyfish by Boum. This BD fresh out of Montreal publisher Pow Pow follows Odette, a character whose vision is being increasingly obscured by a swarm of jellyfish. It’s a story with a lot of depth and heart, and some great cartooning. We’ll […]