Daily Archives: January 2, 2016


RENEW Camille Robertson ONGOING Life is over as Pero knows it. Will he choose to stay in a fading utopia or dive into fabled worlds, all for a chance of a new life?

Camille Robertson

CAMILLE ROBERTSON     Camille Robertson is always working on written or illustrated works of her characters and their worlds. After delving into being a colourist for different projects, she enjoys collaborating with other artists to bring stories to life through light and colour. A lover of speculative fiction, Camille is […]

Corpse Door

CORPSE DOOR Kris Sayer COMPLETE A draugr – the walking undead – only wants to go home and get out of the cold. But no one helps him open the corpse door. Animated. Kinda.


TATTERHOOD Kris Sayer CHAPTER 1 COMPLETE, OTHERWISE ON HIATUS Ongoing viking-age comic epic rooted in Norse mythology and fairy tales, starring a giant-spoon-wielding girl and her goat.

Kris Sayer

KRIS SAYER     Kris Sayer is an independent game developer, illustrator, graphic designer and comic warrior who wreaks havoc with sewing machines and swords. She has had work published by Cloudscape Comics, Gurukitty Studios, and Pulp Literature, and currently posts several comics stories on Weald Comics. Right now she’s working […]