Cloudscape AGM January 18

cloudscapeCloudscape’s annual general meeting will start at 7:30 on January 18. That’s when we go over what the organization has done and will do, we vote on any changes in board membership, take questions and suggestions from our members, and plan our projects for the next year. There will be some changes in the board as well as a lot of discussion about the future for Cloudscape and its various graphic novel and community projects. This is a great meeting to attend if you want to influence Cloudscape’s direction in 2017, but not a good first meeting for someone who hasn’t been to Cloudscape before. So if you are someone new intending to check our meeting out or are a member wanting to introduce someone else to us, then you should probably choose a different week instead. But if you are someone who has been to our meetings a few times before, then we look forward to seeing you at the AGM!

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