Cloudscape is excited to announce our newest project: Phobos and Deimos!
Maida Kilwa is a teenage refugee from Mars, who is faced with the difficult process of adapting to her new life on Earth. From high school life to a dystopian government, Maida is torn between the promise of safety and the fires of rebellion.
Eight years in the making, Phobos and Deimos is a thoughtful reflection on migration and class. It’s about finding a new place to belong in an unfamiliar world, while navigating a hostile school system. How will Maida find her way?
Pledge now to find out:
This full-color graphic novel of Vol 1 of Phobos and Deimos is 292 pages and will be printed at 5.75” by 8.25”. It is the first volume of a sci-fi duology. Created with ink and markers, a healthy dose of sci-fi and love, Phobos and Deimos is out of this world!

About the Author

J Dalton has drawn two previous graphic novels, a Mesoamerican fantasy story called Lords of Death and Life, and A Mad Tea-Party, a science fiction drama. He has contributed to anthologies such as FTL, Y’All, Tamamo the Fox Maiden and Other Asian Stories, and Failure to Launch. He wrote Phobos and Deimos after teaching in East London for a year and thinking a lot about class and migration. He teaches elementary school in Canada now, and wonders what it would be like to go to space, but only if a bunch of other people did it first.
If you want to read more of Phobos and Deimos, you can read it as a webcomic here.