These are the hard-working and dedicated people who keep Cloudscape going by running our weekly membership meetings, organizing events and workshops, preparing our books for print, managing sales and distribution, and more!
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out directly to the staff or board member your question pertains to.
For general inquiries, you can email us at info[at]

Jeffrey Ellis

Vice President
Kelly C
Cloudscape’s editors are a group of dedicated visionaries who organize each anthology. They work with the artists from script to inks to post-production, ensuring the thematic vision of our books is successful. Editors change from book to book.
Our most recent editors are: Jeffrey Ellis, Kelly Chen, Jocelyn Coupland and Lisa LaRose
As a comics publisher, Cloudscape produces many books per year, primarily from local BC artists. The role of the book submission committee is to filter through the many story pitches and requests for publishing that we receive to determine the stories that fit best with the brand and level of quality that readers have come to expect from Cloudscape books. Click here for more information on how to submit a pitch to Cloudscape.
Our current committee is: Jade McGilvray, Jonathon Dalton, Emily Lampson, Kathleen Gros
It takes a lot of people to run Cloudscape. In addition to the above individuals, we also rely on the hard work of the following members:
Librarian: Jean Kindratsky
Gallery Manager: Oliver McTavish-Wisden, Kelly Chen
Social Media: Kelly Chen
Website Admin: Evan Waterman