
Vancouver Comic Jam: November Edition! 2

What: Vancouver Comic Jam! When: Saturday, November 20, 2010. Starting at 8:00pm and going until midnight-ish. Where: The Wallflower Modern Diner, 2420 Main St, Vancouver, BC Who Can Come?: Anyone who is of legal drinking age is invited. How Much: No admission fee. Bring your own pencils/pens. Paper is provided. […]

Bellingham Comicon

Cloudscape will be at the Bellingham Comicon this Saturday! It will feature special guest Erik Larsen and Vancouver talents Pia Guerra, Ian Boothby and James Lloyd. Come by and say say hello!

Comic Battle Round 18, v.2

It’s time for another round of Comic Battle! Unfortunately there are no entries for “Breakfast Cereal”. How could one deny the most important part of your day, especially when you could be eating things like peanut butter puff and cookie cereals for breakfast? Anyways, as promised, here’s your post-Halloween topic: […]

Comic Battle: Ninja Round

It’s time for another round of Comic Battle… …but there are no entries this week! You can’t all be ninjas for Halloween; there has to be pirates and zombies too, you know. Cheers to Jeff for winning Round 17! The topic is still: BREAKFAST CEREAL! Perhaps we’ll have a fun […]

Comic Battle Round 16: Bovine

Cheers to Jeff, winner of Round 15: Feral! It’s time for another round of Comic Battle… FIGHT! [nggallery id=24] It looks like Emily Lampson stood up for the fight, and struck fear in the hearts of all potential challengers… Emily wins this round by default 🙂 Next week’s comic battle […]

Comic Battle Round 15: Feral

Here we have it, a new round of Comic Battle! FIGHT! [nggallery id=22] [poll id=”16″] For next week’s comic battle our theme is: BOVINE! Get creative, try and take the them and make it work for your comic! For rules and requirements on submitting to a comic battle, please read […]