
Goldstar Comics

Hey, Gang, it’s that time again! The Goldstar Comics Collective will be meeting this Sunday, October 3, at Cafe Deux Soliels on Commercial Drive (2096 Commercial Dr) from 3 – 6 pm. Bring concepts for the “Gigantic” anthology if you are partaking, and your favorite mark-making tools for comic jams. […]

Comic Battle Crisis!

Hey gang! As you may or may not have noticed our comic battles have been dwindling as of late with two or three submissions at a go. It is our hope to increase the battles profile on the site. For that we need submissions. We’ll be extending the deadline for […]

Vancouver Comic Jam: September Edition

When: Saturday, September 18, 2010. Starting at 8:00pm and going until midnight-ish. Where: The Wallflower Modern Diner, 2420 Main St, Vancouver, BC Who Can Come?: Anyone who is of legal drinking age is invited. How Much: No admission fee. Bring your own pencils/pens. Paper is provided. The restaurant provides their […]

Cephalopods: Voting Round!

Here we have it, a new round of Comic Battle! FIGHT! [nggallery id=17] [poll id=”13″] For next week’s comic battle our theme is: MAXIMUM POWER Those crazy things that people are afraid of. Get creative, try and take the them and make it work for your comic! For rules and […]