Comic Chunk #3: Long Supinator 2/2
For more of Micah Iwaasa’s webcomic on creating comics, visit the Comic Chunk Archives.
All educational material on comics and general art.
For more of Micah Iwaasa’s webcomic on creating comics, visit the Comic Chunk Archives.
For more of Micah Iwaasa’s webcomic on creating comics, visit the Comic Chunk Archives.
The first installment of Comic Chunk, a webcomic about creating comics by Micah Iwaasa.
Greetings, monster fans, It’s been a long road full of ghoulies and ghosties and long-legged beasties, but here we’re at the end: z is for zoq. Which of these creatures do you think best represents the zealous zoq? [nggallery id=103] [poll id=”42″] Deadline for voting is Wednesday, January 9 at […]
Welcome to the penultimate installment of the Monster Alphabet! As there was only one submission for the ythzispin, the winner is Micah Iwaasa by default: Micah is also the winner of last week’s Monster Alphabet, depicting the Xal-Xi: Y is for Ythzispin but Z is for Zoq. What does the […]
Every week, a new creature is added to the Monster Alphabet. Three artists have submitted images for the xal-xi. Which one is correct? [nggallery id=102] [poll id=”41″] X is for Xal-Xi, but Y is for Ythvispin. What does the ythvispin look like? Send all art submissions for the Monster Alphabet […]
Only one Wynwooze, was submitted, so it’s the winner by default: Also, Mindy Fraser’s picture was selected for the vitikit: Only three more letters left in our monster alphabet. W is for Wynwooze, but X is for Xal-Xi. What does the xal-xi look like? Send all art submissions for the […]
Every week, a new creature is added to the Monster Alphabet. Two artists have submitted images for the venerable vitikit. Which one is correct? [nggallery id=98] [poll id=”40″] And here is the chosen image of the terrifying underbeast, illustrated by Mindy Fraser. V is for Vitikit, but W is for […]
Every week, a new creature is added to the Monster Alphabet. Two artists have submitted images for the unearthly underbeast. Which one is correct? [nggallery id=97] [poll id=”39″] And here is the chosen image of the terrifying tauvoz, illustrated by Reetta Linjama. U is for Underbeast, but V is for […]
Every week, a new creature is added to the Monster Alphabet. Two artists have submitted images for the terrible tauvoz. Which one is correct? [nggallery id=96] [poll id=”38″] T is for Tauvoz, but U is for Underbeast. What does the underbeast look like? Send all art submissions for the Monster […]