
The default category. For any general comics or Cloudscape news.

Cloudscape Member Survey, June 2019

Calling all Cloudscape members! The board thought it would be a good idea to reach out to Cloudscape members gather some feedback about the way Cloudscape has been operating this year. What has been going well? What could we improve on? Let us know! The survey is a short one. […]

Kickstarter News!

Things at Cloudscape have been so busy that we nearly forgot to mention that we successfully funded Chicken Soup and Goji Berries! So we will be excited to bring it to you this convention season! Thanks to everyone who backed this project, your continued support means so much to us. […]

New Graphic Novel by Indigenous BC comic artist Cole Pauls

Local indigenous comic artist and Cloudscape contributor Cole Pauls will have his debut graphic novel coming out from Conundrum Press: Dakwäkãda Warriors As a young person growing up in Haines Junction YT, artist Cole Pauls performed in a traditional song and dance group called the Dakwäkãda Dancers. During that time, […]