The TradeWaiters

Strictly for new episodes

The TradeWaiters 23: “Cul de Sac: This Exit” by Richard Thompson

For today’s episode our panelists read Cul de Sac: This Exit by Richard Thompson, the “last great newspaper comic.” After Richard’s passing earlier this year and the dire state of newspapers in general, we may not see his kind again. We also discuss the documentary Stripped directed by Dave Kellett, […]

The TradeWaiters 22: “V for Vendetta” by Alan Moore and David Lloyd

Voila! Let us next volunteer V for Vendetta, the volume by Alan Moore and David Lloyd. But are they visionaries viewing behind the veil, or vandals giving voice to violence? Join Jonathon, Jeff, Angela, and kgros as we debate the merits and shortcomings of this dark and gritty and deeply […]

The TradeWaiters 21: “Bakuman” vol. 3&4 by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata

Our Bakumanathon continues! We read the third and fourth volumes of Bakuman by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata and we invite you to join us as we check in with how our boys Mashiro and Takagi are doing in their quest for manga greatness. Also on deck are some in […]

The TradeWaiters 20: “Bakuman” vol. 1&2 by Tsugumi Ohba & Takeshi Obata

Episode 20 begins our Bakumanathon! Our TradeWaiters read the first two volumes of Bakuman by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, and it filled them with a determination to share their opinions. Find out what they really think about the Japanese manga industry, the Shonen Jump editorial process, middle school cartoonists, […]

The TradeWaiters 19: “The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For” Part 2 by Alison Bechdel

Episode 19 continues the discussion from our previous episode on The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel. Jeff, Angela, and Kathleen are once again joined by special guest Sfé R. Monster while Jonathon is busy doing work or something. Don’t let the lengthy discussion on long-running Canadian […]

The TradeWaiters 18: “The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For” Part 1 by Alison Bechdel

In episode 18 Jeff, Angela, and Kathleen are joined by special guest Sfé R. Monster for the first of a two-episode break-down of The Essential Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel. Our panelists have opinions on everything from Star Trek to page layouts, and from Trump to TERFs. […]

The TradeWaiters 17: The CAF Episode (TCAF & VanCAF 2016)

Episode 17 is our “CAF” episode! Join Jon, Jeff, Kathleen, Angela, and special guest Sfé R. Monster as they share some of the best new comics they found at TCAF and VanCAF 2016. In this episode our panelists talk about: When You Grow Up by Ma’at Crook My Sister’s Voice […]

The TradeWaiters 16: “Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind” vol. 2 by Hayao Miyazaki

In episode 16 Jon, Jeff, Kathleen, and special guest Jess Pollard continue the discussion of Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind by Hayao Miyazaki with volume 2 (or the second half, depending on what printing you have). The TradeWaiters get philosophical as this manga master-work leads us down roads to […]

The TradeWaiters 15: “Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind” vol. 1 by Hayao Miyazaki

In episode 15 Jon, Jeff, and Kathleen are joined by special guest Jess Pollard to talk about the first half of Nausicaa of the Valley of Wind, the manga series by world-reknowned animator Hayao Miyazaki. This is an incredibly dense work and we have a lot to say about it! […]

The TradeWaiters 14: “Jessica Jones: Alias” vol. 3 & 4 by Brian Michael Bendis & Michael Gaydos

In this episode we continue to read through Marvel’s Jessica Jones: Alias by Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos, with volumes 3 and 4. We talk about the tricky dance of words and pictures in this series, hypothesize about a Marvel non-comics AU, dis the Savage Land, compare non-canon doujinshi […]