The TradeWaiters

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The TradeWaiters 3: “One Hundred Demons” by Lynda Barry

In Episode 3 of the TradeWaiters, Jon, Jeff, Angela and Kathleen read One Hundred Demons by Lynda Barry, an “autobifictionalography.” Kathleen calls Lynda Barry one of her “must-read cartoonists.” Maybe by the end you will want to spend some time with your own demons. Music by Sleuth Next episode will […]

The TradeWaiters 2: “This One Summer” By Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki

In episode 2 of the TradeWaiters, we read This One Summer by Mariko Tamaki and Jillian Tamaki. Spoiler alert: we really liked it. Jonathon makes the claim that This One Summer is the Watchmen of comics. Read the book and then listen to us gush for half an hour. Next […]

The TradeWaiters 1: “Seconds” by Bryan Lee O’Malley

This is it! The first official episode of the new book club podcast from Jonathon Dalton, Jeff Ellis, Angela Melick, and Kathleen Gros: the “TradeWaiters.” We are all busy people and don’t have a lot of time to chase down comics as they’re released. We wait for the trades. But […]

The TradeWaiters: Episode Zero

It’s the TradeWaiters! The podcast that’s like a book club, but for comics. In Episode Zero, you can listen to Jonathon Dalton, Kathleen Gros, Angela Melick, and Jeff Ellis as we discuss how the series is going to proceed and what we plan to accomplish with it. In typical TradeWaiter […]