The TradeWaiters

Strictly for new episodes

The TradeWaiters 43: “I Killed Adolf Hitler” by Jason

Happy 2018, time travelers. In this episode of the TradeWaiters, Jess, Jam, Jeff, and Jon read I Killed Adolf Hitler by the Norwegian cartoonist Jason. It’s a short episode for a short book, but it’s a book that isn’t quite what it seems. Have a listen and see for yourself. […]

The TradeWaiters 42: Holiday Giftisode 2017

Our TradeWaiters haven’t read a NEW comic this week, but we do have a bunch of OLD comics we’d like to talk about that might be new to you. If you’re looking for a comic to give away this holiday season, or a comic to give to yourself, Jess, Jon, […]

The TradeWaiters 41: “Princess Jellyfish” Vol. 2 by Akiko Higashimura

Welcome back for part two of our look at Akiko Higashimura’s Princess Jellyfish. Jam, Jeff, and Jon have a lot to talk about for Volume 2 of this series, including our theories, hopes, and worries about where the story might be headed next. Also there’s an anime of this? But […]

The TradeWaiters 40: “Princess Jellyfish” Vol. 1 by Akiko Higashimura

On today’s episode Jeff, Jam, and Jon dive into the first volume of Princess Jellyfish by Akiko Higashimura. This is the first half of a two-part look at the world of the Amars otaku and the gender-bending “stylish” who invades their lives. It’s pretty hard to be compulsively obsessed with […]

The TradeWaiters 39: “Scott Pilgrim” vol. 5 & 6 by Bryan Lee O’Malley

At last we’ve reached the end of our Scott Pilgrimage. Join Jess, Jam, Jeff, Jon, and Kgros as we finish off Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim with volumes 5 and 6. In this episode we talk about character arcs, throwaway plot twists, background artists, and More Kim Pine. If you’ve […]

The TradeWaiters 38: “Scott Pilgrim” vol. 3 & 4 by Bryan Lee O’Malley

And now, we continue our “Scott Pilgrimage” through volumes three and four of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim. In this episode we go even deeper into the themes, scenes, and subspace highway dreams of a twenty-something slacker who’s not very good at playing the bass. We talk about evil exes, […]

The TradeWaiters 37: “Scott Pilgrim” Vol. 1 & 2 by Bryan Lee O’Malley

GET READY! Today we start our three episode “Scott Pilgrimage” as Jon, Jeff, kgros and Jam read the first two volumes of Bryan Lee O’Malley’s Scott Pilgrim. These books changed comics, and they changed each of our panelists. Join us as we talk about video game literacy, female coming-of-age stories, […]

The TradeWaiters 36: “Shadoweyes” by Sophie Campbell

Today’s TradeWaiters covers Shadoweyes by Sophie Campbell. With Jess mysteriously absent (someone start putting up missing person posters!) it’s left to Jam, Jon, Jeff, and kgros to dive deep into this dense, indie graphic novel. We test the limits of what counts as a superhero comic, discuss the “slow burn […]

The TradeWaiters 35: “Last Man” vol. 3 & 4 by Balak, Sanlaville, & Vivès

Join us once again as Jess, Jam, Jon, and Jeff finally decide who the Last Cartoonist will be while we read volumes three and four of Last Man by the French team Balak, Sanlaville, and Vivès. Gaze in amazement as we do the mental gymnastics necessary to sort out this […]

The TradeWaiters 34: “Last Man” vol. 1 & 2 by Balak, Sanlaville, & Vivès

In today’s Tradewaiters episode Jess, Jam, Jon, and Jeff read the first two volumes of Last Man by the French team Balak, Sanlaville, and Vivès. Join us on a strange journey through a martial arts fighting championship on another world where nothing is quite what it seems. Caution: this comic, […]