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Tweenbots are human-dependent robots that navigate the city with the help of pedestrians they encounter. Rolling at a constant speed, in a straight line, Tweenbots have a destination displayed on a flag, and rely on people they meet to read this flag and to aim them in the right direction […]

Bellingham Comicon

Cloudscape will be at the Bellingham Comicon this Saturday! It will feature special guest Erik Larsen and Vancouver talents Pia Guerra, Ian Boothby and James Lloyd. Come by and say say hello!

Comic Battle Round 18, v.2

It’s time for another round of Comic Battle! Unfortunately there are no entries for “Breakfast Cereal”. How could one deny the most important part of your day, especially when you could be eating things like peanut butter puff and cookie cereals for breakfast? Anyways, as promised, here’s your post-Halloween topic: […]

Comic Battle: Ninja Round

It’s time for another round of Comic Battle… …but there are no entries this week! You can’t all be ninjas for Halloween; there has to be pirates and zombies too, you know. Cheers to Jeff for winning Round 17! The topic is still: BREAKFAST CEREAL! Perhaps we’ll have a fun […]

Jonathon Dalton and Funday Sunnies Mentioned in Best American 2010! 1

Long-time Cloudscape contributor and current board member Jonathon Dalton had his Funday Sunnies story “Lil’ Ulysses” mentioned as a notable comic for 2009 in the back of the new volume of Best American Comics 2010. Check it out! Buy it now! And grab a copy of Funday Sunnies while […]

Comic Battle Round 17: Rejection Letter

It’s time for another round of Comic Battle… FIGHT! [nggallery id=25] [poll id=”17″] Jeff and Moses are one-on-one this time around… who will be victorious? Next week’s comic battle theme is: BREAKFAST CEREAL! Get creative, try and take the them and make it work for your comic. Take it as […]

Comic Battle Round 16: Bovine

Cheers to Jeff, winner of Round 15: Feral! It’s time for another round of Comic Battle… FIGHT! [nggallery id=24] It looks like Emily Lampson stood up for the fight, and struck fear in the hearts of all potential challengers… Emily wins this round by default 🙂 Next week’s comic battle […]

8-Bits of Destiny Poster contest!

8-Bits of Destiny needs your help! Yes! YOU! It seems our poster is in another castle, but we don’t have time to go find it, so instead, we need you to help us create a new one! This is your chance to have your art all over Vancouver and to […]

The Storey House 1

Bela Messex sent us this story and we just had to upload it! It is a tale of adventure, ex-girlfriends, and graphic novels. [nggallery id=23]