Kickstarter for “Chicken Soup & Goji Berries”

Chicken Soup and Goji Berries by Naomi Cui and Janice Liu is a bilingual tale about a Chinese-Canadian family and their adventures! For the kids of the Yang family, who have spent most of their lives across the Pacific Ocean in Canada, Nainai’s arrival from China to move in with the […]

The TradeWaiters 55: “Archie” Vol. 1&2 by Waid, Staples, Wu, & Fish

Archie has continuity now?? For today’s episode, local Archie expert Kathleen Jacques joins us as we read Archie Volumes 1 and 2, the reboot written by Mark Waid and drawn by Fiona Staples, Annie Wu, and Veronica Fish. We discover who has never read an Archie comic before, how the […]

Cloudscape Closed for Christmas

There will no Cloudscape Wednesday meetings for the rest of December (the 19th and 26th) due to the Christmas holiday. We hope to see you all in the new year on January 4th. Happy Holidays, everyone!

Much the Miller’s Son: The Doomsday Book

Coming later in 2019, Cloudscape will be publishing the definitive version of Steve LeCouilliard’s Robin Hood series Much the Miller’s Son. Much the Miller’s Son is a minor character from the original tales of Robin Hood, but in this story he becomes our point of view character. The usual gang […]

Life Finds a Way needs Artists!  1

The Cloudscape post-apocalyptic anthology Life Finds a Way needs artists, and we are putting out an All-Call for artists to work with our contributors. If you are interested in working with us, please email the editors at lifefindsawayanthology(at) gmail (dot) com with your name, contact information, and some samples of […]

Cloudscape Comics featured in Langara Voice

Cloudscape Comics is featured in Langara College’s newspaper, the Voice: “Cloudscape Comics Society has come a long way from its humble beginnings in the back room of a coffee shop, and is now a force to be reckoned with in Vancouver’s art scene….  A local comic artist who’s been with […]

Swan Song – Vancouver Sun

In the Vancouver Sun, Stuart Derdeyn reviews Swan Song, our music-themed anthology: “The material is delightfully varied and explores music across all kinds of genres and touches on everything from science to cultural theory, sci-fi and fantasy and even some spores with killer harmonies…. Enjoy honest expressions of why Tegan and […]

The TradeWaiters 54: “Why Art?” by Eleanor Davis

Why Art? by Eleanor Davis is a meditation on what art means for the artist and for society. This surreal story isn’t one that can be easily pinned down, but it is complex and insightful, and Jess, Jam, Jeff, and kgros will spend some time unpacking it with you. Read […]

The TradeWaiters 53: “The Complete Persepolis” by Marjane Satrapi

Comics are the closest thing to the experience of remembering. The Complete Persepolis is Marjane Satrapi’s memoir of growing up in Iran, living through the Iranian Revolution and the Iran-Iraq War, moving to Europe alone at fourteen, and returning home to a country she barely recognized. It’s one of the […]