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Room: Canadian Gothic submissions

Room is a Canadian literary journal by women and about women. They are currently taking submissions for their latest issue: Canadian Gothic. Their submissions deadline is January 31st. Click here to read the submission guidelines for this issue. I have been in contact with Room and while they have only […]

The Una the Blade Kickstarter made more than four times its target goal!

The Una the Blade Kickstarter is over, and it earned $11,107. That’s more than four times its target goal! Now Cloudscape’s second single-author graphic novel is going to print having not only paid for its printing but also all the artists involved with a nice chunk left over. Thank you […]


RENEW Camille Robertson ONGOING Life is over as Pero knows it. Will he choose to stay in a fading utopia or dive into fabled worlds, all for a chance of a new life?


B3YOND Camille Robertson ONGOING Can a small city cop and two mobsters solve the mystery of Suthserby’s missing citizens?


GRUFF Kris Sayer COMPLETE A bridge troll has some serious goat problems.

Corpse Door

CORPSE DOOR Kris Sayer COMPLETE A draugr – the walking undead – only wants to go home and get out of the cold. But no one helps him open the corpse door. Animated. Kinda.


NAMELESS Kris Sayer COMPLETE A short autobiographical comic…starring hands!


TATTERHOOD Kris Sayer CHAPTER 1 COMPLETE, OTHERWISE ON HIATUS Ongoing viking-age comic epic rooted in Norse mythology and fairy tales, starring a giant-spoon-wielding girl and her goat.

One More Day Left in Una the Blade Fundraiser!

Happy New Years! Just reminding everyone that there is one more day left in our fundraiser for Una the Blade, Steve LeCouilliard’s classic tale of Dying Earth swords & sorcery. If you want to own a copy of this exciting graphic novel, then rush over to the Una the Blade […]