Cloudscape Projects

Cloudscape Comics’ special projects often move beyond the book, approaching the comic art form in new and exciting ways. These projects aren’t like our published books, nor are they like our public events. Instead, these unique artworks explore new ways for comics to connect with the public and engage with them artistically and socially. These projects are Cloudscape’s way to push the boundaries of art and comic making beyond the page.

Comics in Transit

Comics in Transit is a public art project that takes one-page comics by BC artists, expands them, and installs them in bus shelter advertising spaces for people to read on their commute. These comics cover a range of topics including life in cities around the world, stories of Indigenous family history, tales of refugees arriving in Canada, and visions of a better world post-covid19. These stories can be occasionally read across Vancouver.

Our recent Comics in Transit projects include:

  • Post Pandemic Hopes – Stories from Vancouver citizens about their experience of the pandemic, and looks at how we can connect and find solace with others, and imagine a more resilient and compassionate future.

All our previous Comics in Transit projects are viewable on our gallery page.

  • CiT 2019 – These comics featured stories by 11 Indigenous BC artists, all about family and family history.
  • CiT 2017 – These posters sought to explore the Canadian refugee experience and were written and drawn by BC comic artists in collaboration with Canadian refugee partners.
  • CiT 2015 – These stories featured people interacting with cities all over the world.

The South Vancouver Story Swap

The South Vancouver Story Swap is a special collaboration with PosAbilities that takes stories told by south Vancouver residents, turns them into one-panel comics and illustrations, and installs them on the fence surrounding the Cloudscape Comics HQ. The full stories can then be accessed and listened to by scanning the QR code on the individual panels.

The Cloudscape Bee Comic

The Cloudscape Bee Comic is a handy guide to providing assistance to mason bees in your community. This comic is written and drawn by BC artists, and is fact checked by beekeepers and experts. Digital copies of the book are available by donation on our Gumroad. Physical copies can be found in Cloudscape’s free comic library, situated outside of the Cloudscape Comics HQ.