Looking to stock Cloudscape books in your store or library? You have two options:
Order via our distribution partner
Cloudscape is partnered with the Literary Press Group of Canada and LitDistCo to distribute our books nation wide.
You can place orders via the BNC CataList site. Accounts are free for retailers.
Order via us directly
If you prefer, you can order physical copies of our books directly from us. Cloudscape offers affordable wholesale costs on all our books, and can accommodate bulk and international orders as needed.
We also offer physical and digital catalogues listing out all the books we have available for order.
To order books or to request a copy of our catalogue, send an email to info(at)cloudscapecomics(dot)com. For book orders, please include an itemized list of the titles you want, how many copies, and the mailing address of your store or library. We will send you an invoice that includes a personalized shipping price. We can receive payment via Paypal or cheque. All prices are in Canadian dollars.